Lessons from Lou

This blog is about my journey through the brain tumor world with my dear husband, Lou. While not a journey I would wish on even my worst enemy, it is a journey that has enlightened and awakened me to what lies within us, and around us, each and every moment of each and every day. There are lessons here....lessons in this journey.....lessons from Lou....that I would like to share with you.

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Location: Chicago, Illinois

Picture of Lou (sick) and I at a party, circa 2005, long ago and faraway. I'm now a middle aged widow, trying to get my life back together. Mother of two young adult sons, living with two adult cats.

Thursday, May 15, 2008


Wow. I'm blown away from watching the last two weeks of Grey's Anatomy. It has to do with brain tumors. They're doing brain tumors. McDreamy is doing brain tumors, to be specific. So, I would watch McDreamy take care of a splinter, but brain tumors...gotta watch that. Powerful stuff going on there. Too much. It brings alot back. Too much. So, I watch it anyway, right. Well, it's more than the brain tumor stuff. It's about love, too. Love that others couldn't see, didn't believe in. McDreamy did though. He saw it. He let his patient believe , in love. He let her wait, and wait, and wait, for her lover that seemed imaginary to everyone else, because she had a brain tumor that could cause imaginary things like Cinderella stories. Seemed implausible to everyone else around her. Seemed like a story created by a brain tumor gone awry. After waiting for a few hours, they give up, and do the procedure, without her seeing him. She doesn't wake up after the surgery. And the lover showed up, too late. He was real. And she was Cinderella. Only she didn't get the fairy tale ending. Love is all there is you know. That much, I do know. Love is all there is. I can't believe a tv show has turned me into a puddle of tears, but there it is.


Blogger Pete from Ohio said...

Cathy, I couldn't watch it. I saw they were doing brain tumors and couldn't watch. Lori went in on a Thursday, emergency surgery Friday, never woke up. I couldn't watch. That was just September.

Pete from Ohio

9:27 PM  
Blogger Sue said...

I watched it and although I have never suffered a Brain Tumor in my family I have suffered loss. Tears flowed but still it was an amazing show.

10:33 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Okay...call me a dork, but I just don't get the whole Gray's Anatomy. Not enough crime in it for me, I guess.

I can't watch anything with brain tumors. Or cancer. Or illness. Or sadness. Or romance. Or even much comedy.

For a long time after Dave died, I couldn't even read. I couldn't muster up enough caring about any of the characters and their plights. It just didn't matter to me.

I still feel that way much of the time...but then, certain things will hit, and BAM...instant waterfall. Mostly it's commercials that do that to me. And songs.

I wonder what this post says about the state of my mental health.

And you know, being a puddle once in a while....well, it's not so bad. Kind of cleansing.

Sending hugs.

Can somebody send me back a clue about G.A.?

Country Mouse and crime drama fan


2:40 AM  

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