Lessons from Lou

This blog is about my journey through the brain tumor world with my dear husband, Lou. While not a journey I would wish on even my worst enemy, it is a journey that has enlightened and awakened me to what lies within us, and around us, each and every moment of each and every day. There are lessons here....lessons in this journey.....lessons from Lou....that I would like to share with you.

My Photo
Location: Chicago, Illinois

Picture of Lou (sick) and I at a party, circa 2005, long ago and faraway. I'm now a middle aged widow, trying to get my life back together. Mother of two young adult sons, living with two adult cats.

Saturday, October 28, 2006


This was the week it hit me. This is FOREVER. And that forever means FOR EVER. I will never see Lou again, in this lifetime. That's what hit me this week, for some reason. Must be the two month mark coming up. On Halloween, no less. Two months. That's just a blink of an eye compared to what stretches before me. And what is now behind me. I study the last picture taken of Lou, a week before he died. We are laying in bed, snuggling. My hands are cradling his face. And he is swollen from the steroids. But he is smiling. Even in that state, he was smiling. I stare at the picture, wanting to get back IN it. Wanting to breathe life into it. Wishing I could touch him. So badly wishing I could touch him. How many times have you heard that saying, "Nothing is forever", right? Not true. This is forever. This is forever, for real. It's a very, very long time to ache.


Blogger Sue said...

SO glad to hear from you agai yet so sorry that the reality of "For Ever" has hit. It is a very long time. Don't every let go of that last picture because no one can take that picture, that last touch, that last snuggle, that last smile away; that is what keeps you going my friend.

7:36 AM  

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