Sail On
Another Father's Day is almost here, another birthday. It has been almost four years now since Lou died, six really, he never was the same after that diagnosis. So much has happened in these years and so little, too. Two steps forward, one step back, trial and error. Every day. To find your place again, after something like this, is so very hard. I'm often disheartened by my lack of progress. And I still don't know how to program this blog so I can indent or even have spaces between the lines! OK OK, enough with the self pity you say. Yes, I agree. Here goes then, a final list of lessons.
What I know for sure after four years:
l. Starting over is very hard to do. Especially if you liked the life you had and wish you had it back.
2. You may not get over it but you can eventually accept it.
3. Learn to be alone. To like yourself. You're stuck with you. There's always self improvement.
4. Try something new. Just don't bite off more than you can chew. A year's worth of Bikram yoga might not be such a hot idea. Actually, that would be too hot.
5. Move forward. Or just move.
6. Get a pet, preferably one that cuddles.
7. Clean the closets. And under the sink. And your make up bag.
8. Drink lots of coffee. every. single. morning.
9. Drink lots of champagne. Whenever you can.
10. You will make it, you will.
I'm sailing on from this blog. Thanks for stopping by!